14 Icebreaker Games to Start Your Virtual Meetings off Right – Profitian

14 Icebreaker Games to Start Your Virtual Meetings off Right

One of the best ways to start a meeting off on the right foot is by introducing icebreakers. A good icebreaker sets the tone of a meeting from the very beginning, drawing people out in a way that invites openness, creativity, and trust. Here are several ways to incorporate good icebreakers into your virtual meetings and use technology to make everyone feel included and heard. One of the best ways to combat this is by using ice breaker questions during your virtual meetings, which will get you opening up to others. What’s more, icebreaker questions don’t require any equipment or preparation, making them perfect for both in-person and remote teams. Unlike virtual team-building activities, icebreaker games are often quick , easy to play, and require little to no equipment. Charades is a great way to loosen up a burnt out or unmotivated team.

icebreakers for virtual meetings

The following are useful tips for conducting a successful virtual icebreaker activity. The team leader will give participants a survival scenario.

Weekly movie reviews

These are great get-to-know-you games and longer team-building activities that will both entertain and bring the team closer together. Thanks to this icebreaker, you can see what other people have been up to and have experienced, and you can celebrate some of your top moments. Crowdsource your colleagues’ personal or professional highlights from the last week or month. It’s much more fun and you’ll spark creativity among your colleagues.

  • From math puzzles to rebus word games, these will make you realize that two heads are better than one.
  • Choose from any of the 4 types of quiz slides to create any type of quiz for a team with diverse interests.
  • The best way to break the ice with your ice breakers is to lead by example and answer a question first.
  • Ask everyone in your team to display an object and tell a story about it.

At the end, the employee who’s plant has grown the most gets the green thumb award. By scheduling employees to care for a virtual pet, you can increase engagement and help employees relate to each other better.

Bucket List

Fun, engaging, and designed to get your team hungry to know more about each other, Waffles vs Pancakes is one of our all-time favorite icebreakers. Designed to bring back childhood memories of our nostalgic teenage years, this icebreaker game is designed to help people bond over deep and meaningful memories. This Zoom icebreaker is a fantastic way for the whole team to get to know everyone on a more personal level.

Answers can be funny, practical or just plain weird, but they all allow new co-workers to get to know each other better. Leave your information to schedule a demo with a product expert. We will run you through the features and answer your questions. Set a timer and have people go around and find one commonality with each person in the room. Next, everyone shares their three statements and the group votes or discusses their guess for the lie. In small groups, you can use great questions to get people to open up. Schedule a time where you and your team can video call and eat a meal together.

Best Icebreakers for Everyday

Lucidspark’s show-and-tell template allows participants to share something about themselves in various categories—from hobbies to travel to family icebreakers for virtual meetings and pets. Participants simply pick a category that speaks to them. Then they can add photos and text to share a bit about themselves.

icebreakers for virtual meetings

You can start easy if you’d like or give them a couple challenging riddles right off the bat. So give each group 2-3 different riddles to solve, and the first group done, wins (if you’re trying to make it a competition). Break into groups of 10 or less, and share this link to digital Think Links cards.

Post: 175 Best Ice breaker Questions for Virtual Meetings That Will Get Your Remote Team Talking and Talking!

Allow people to add their own boxes with new questions if they think of any. Participants can use virtual sticky notes to write their answers and elaborate with pics and GIFs. Finally, encourage team members to respond to emoticons or text. In just a few minutes, your team will have learned something new about everybody they work with. Most of these icebreaker questions are hybrids and will work for both in-person and remote teams, as well as for people who have or who haven’t met before.

  • A couple of foot stomps, a few claps, and a cliché cheer improved performance, time, AND likability.
  • Virtual team ice breakers can make introducing new recruits to the group far less uncomfortable.
  • These might not be the best headshots for LinkedIn, but they’ll be fun to share and break the ice with some silliness.
  • Try incorporating some fun themes or games into the meeting to keep everyone engaged.

This can even be a group activity for large amounts of people, as long as you have a big open space. Give everyone a list with each person’s name on it. Go around and ask each person to share something they were doing the year the coin was minted. Finally, everyone retrieves one of the paper airplanes, reads the fact, and guesses whose paper airplane they got. Pass out different-colored sheets of paper to each person attending the meeting. Start by asking each person to come up with two facts about themselves and one believable fib. Randomly assign partners in your team to talk one-on-one for minutes before your group call.

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